Staging QA-job 1

Indrykket december 09, 2022

Arbejdstid: Deltid
JobType: Fastansættelse
Ansøgningsfrist: februar 23, 2023

An Effective Structure of the Paragraph, What It’s Like?

If you’re going to write a blogpost, article or a book that you want to be effective think first of a paragraph writing format that will be able to deliver all your thoughts, ideas and key points in the most accurate way. Paragraphs like every other thing have a definite structure, they include such parts: introduction, evidence, conclusion.

You should check if your paragraphs also include the main idea, the subject you’ll be writing about. As any paragraph consists of sentences it’s better to define what type they gonna of and then construct them in the proper way. Such types of sentences are usually used for constructing the paragraphs:

  • descriptive
  • expository
  • persuasive
  • comparative

Each type of the sentence is able to represent the subject of your text in the different peculiar way. General paragraph, as a rule, will include 3 key parts such as:

  • topic sentence
  • supporting evidence
  • concluding statement